Talking/listening therapy (with a mix of person-centred therapy, CBT and DBT skills) offered to secondary school students and sixth formers. Through ongoing CPD and constant research I have built up a resource library to help teenagers cope with all sorts of issues affecting their wellbeing. Please contact me if your students need emotional support. I will come into school - usually one day a week - to have 45 minute sessions with any students needing help. Face-to-face sessions are only available in term times, but remote sessions can be arranged during school holidays if necessary.
I can also offer therapeutic mentoring to pre-school and primary aged children (and their families) through a variety of creative techniques (based around play), using games and toys to explore emotions and understand
how to control feelings.
The Drawing and Talking Therapy programme is also available for schools.
I can also offer 'supervision' to educational staff such as DSLs, DDSLs, Outreach Workers, HSLWs etc. who often deal with difficult cases. These sessions offer relevant staff a 'safe' space to offload and receive emotional support.
Talking/listening therapy (with a mix of person-centred therapy, CBT and DBT skills) offered to individuals and couples. Families can benefit from my creative and therapeutic techniques which use games to start the communication
These sessions will usually be remote and tailored dependent on needs/issues. Sessions can be arranged outside normal working hours i.e. evenings and weekends.
Talking/listening therapy (with a mix of person-centred therapy, CBT and DBT skills) offered to employees. Please contact me if your staff/colleagues need emotional support. I will come into the workplace - usually one day a week - and be an onsite drop-in clinic for any employees needing to talk. These clinics would usually take place within normal working hours, although before and after work clinics are negotiable.
Drawing and Talking is a child-centred, play-based approach. 1-2-1 interventions focus on
supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of young people. It is a safe and gentle,
therapeutic, relational approach, which provides an effective wat for children and young people to process emotional pain or trauma they may be experiencing. Sometimes children are unable to make sense of how they are feeling and how those feelings are impacting on their happiness and ability to navigate the world. We want them to be happy and flourish.
The young person works 1-2-1 with me for 30minutes, once a week, over 12 sessions.
Within the sessions they will draw anything they choose and will be encouraged to talk about feelings using storytelling language to help them make sense of their internal world. The technique is intended to allow the child to play, by drawing a picture, and process any
emotions they are holding internally in a safe and non-confrontational way, working at their
own pace. The sessions remain confidential between the child and practitioner.
Drawing and Talking is not intended to be used as a tool to ‘find out’ what is wrong or why
the child behaves the way they do. It is not behaviour modification or used to fix a problem that a child has or is experiencing. Practitioners do not interpret the pictures and do not ask direct questions. We allow the young person to process internal, emotional pain.
Drawing allows people to creatively express (in symbolic form) dreams, desires, wishes,
worries and preoccupations from deep in their unconscious mind that they would not
otherwise be able to talk about.